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Pharma’s Reach, History’s Hidden Hero, Game of Go, and Dirty Crops


In this Nuggetz Capsule:

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The United States is one of only two countries in the world that allows pharmaceutical companies to advertise on TV.



The Good Man of Auschwitz, Dr. Hans Münch, was as a German SS physician who worked at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. He earned his nickname and was acquitted of war crimes for setting up fake experiments to protect Jewish inmates from execution.


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[Culture & Science]

The number of possible move variations in the game of Go exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe.

Big Picture:

Compared to chess, offers about 20 possible moves per turn - whereas Go provides about 200 potential moves.

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[Environment & Health]

Cotton is one of the most pesticide-contaminated crops in the U.S., with $4.2 billion worth of pesticides used on conventional cotton in 2017 alone.


Sending love and laughter,

Taylor & the Crew at Nuggetz

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+Nuggetz Capsule: Unearthing tidbits in health, business, technology, and science—designed to elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

Resources from this Capsule

The Good Man of Auschwitz [History]

Dirty Truth About Cotton [Environment & Health]


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